Friday, July 22, 2011

Colonial creek

We left Marblemount in a light drizzle in good shape after a solid night's rest. Almost immediately we started to climb and entered the Ross lake national recreation area, then the north cascades national park. Soon passing Newhalem and a few scary tunnels where bicyclists press a button to turn on yellow flashing lights to warn drivers. Kept climbing past gorge dam. Around lunch time we got to the turn to the North Cascades environmental learning center. Went down and over the Diablo dam which was spilling a huge amount of water.

At the center things seemed closed but were just quiet. We went to the dining hall and asked the cooks there if we could buy lunch. Sure they said they were not doing a hot lunch but we could get a sandwich for $5. After a great turkey sandwich on "homemade" artisan bread, cookies, chips, carrot sticks, tea, apples, coffee we were ready for the road. We also thanked the chefs and everybody we met. Good cycling fuel.
Logistics and rain dictated that we stay a few miles away at the colonial creek campground. Early end to a good day. After a dinner of freeze dried noodles and hot water (heated by our motorhome friends) we moved to a quieter campsite and went to sleep.

Morning drizzle and cold oatmeal and cold via coffee taken under cover of the rest room walkway roof. Off to conquer Washington pass.

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